The last day I'm teaching in SJKC Chung Wah, I had no cance to teach on his class. Because all the student will having a National Day Drawing competiton in the hall after recess time. But it also create a better opportunity for me to interact with all the student. Haha
Johnson had using only one hour to finish his colouring. After that, he just follow me walking here and there to look on other participant. I'm calling him to sit back continue his colouring to make it better. But he refuse as he said that he done. Seems like something he wants to share with me but just can't to said it out.
To prevent others teachers say something on this, i just walk around the area where Johnson sit to enable him to talk to me. Haha
After they finish the contest, its already last period, at take time, I have to take on other class, however, i had prepare a souvenir for Johnson before i leave him. It was the photo for both of us. I had wrote something behind and want him to see it when home later. I accompany him to class and keep it inside his bag. He also promise that he won't open it untill he home later.
After that, I'm saying:"Bye Johnson, I have go already" Johnson quickly hold on my finger and said : "where u going? there no class already right?". I told him I have to entered another class which i handle untill the end of school time.
Eventhough Johnson had no saying he reluctant to see me leave, but i know that especially during the last conversation, he thought that i will stay down and chatting with him untill the end of school time. Unfortunately i have to go for another class. At that moment, I reluctant to leave you too, a bit of sour bitter as well for me....HAHAHA
I miss you too Johnson. I miss the moment you always holding my hand jump here and there, drag me to see something new, always requesting the sweets from me, I reluctant to go too. Hahaha
Remember to call me when you are free, since you are too young, I cannot always hang out with you because your parent will worry since they do not know me. I will visit when I'm free, hoping that your parent will not blame me.. Haha
I just treat you like my little brother, the cutiest... Keep in contact!!!