Monday, August 30, 2010

Memoirs of A Glory (VIII) -- She's gone (2) ,,,,,

Mom is going around in the house and keep the stuff of sister. Packaging and moving, there is no word upon my mouth, wat i can do is only keep my mouth shut. I scare i will did anything wrongly that boost the unbalance surrounding. Finally, Mom was crying loudly inside the room, eventhough she is in the room, the sound of crying can be heard clearly from the room.
I feel like want to hit myself on the wall to spell the feeling of unsatisfactory inside my heart.
The next day morning, we go to hospital to redeem sister's remain, i can believe that i saw she was lying inside that.
At that time, i really have to face that the fairy had leave the body, forever. It is no chance for us to meet this fairy again whenever, however and whatever in no way.
As a respect to the sister, i was the one who can bring my sister for funeral.
And i was the person to send the death body for cremate.
When knee down beside the casket, I had tonnes of tears that flow along my face, the music of funeral is started, and it the time for me to press the button to move the casket into the cremation room.
It is very cruel for me to do that, and i was very reluctant to press the button, i can't stop myself from crying and the movement of body is waving, seem the casket slowly far from our sight, the casket was sent into cremate. It was the last time that we have, after that, this appeareance will not be seem anymore in this earth.
The fairy is gone....
With no bringing, with no presage, I'm very sad...
My eye is pain, it swell for few days...
Who will care about this, except for the family,
This only a normal thing for others, only an event that will meet in their life,
Nothing pain for them who do not feel the torn.
I have the new vision,
I have the new blood,
even i dun know whether is she okay?
I hope that this fairy happy somewhere else....
I love u and miss u much forever...
Goodbye my sister...

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