Friday, July 16, 2010

Memoirs of A Glory (IV) --- Bicycle

Remember it is young for the brother when knew how to cycling. The bicycle is sister own, in blue colour with a basket infront. Even though not tall enough, was always like to cycle without sitting on the cycling seat, when get tired, just cycle a bit faster, then quickly sit on the seat and let the bicycle to slipping... This is the way for a disqualified child to ride on the bicycle. Hahaha....
Since was young, mom not allowed to cycle far away from visible area, somehow, brother was so eager to the far distance. Then, it was the most excited time when sister want to go stationary shop which is a distance from the house.
Proposed by her brother everytime to bring his sister by the bicycle even though he is small size than his sister. It is hard for him to start to cycling, but everytime he insist her sister to sit backside and brother must the driver of sister.
Seem happiness appear at sister face, there is nothing suffer and feel hard to carried the job, and just the feeling of enjoy.
Since sister was in University life this time, the day to be the driver of sister is less and even no more. But sometimes when sister come back, when she reach Tanjong Karang bus station, brother will also be the driver to bring sister to home by the bicycle... The opportunity caught...HA ha....

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