Monday, December 22, 2008


Many kind of people and many kind of thing that we never ever see in this world... What can we expect to meet? Of course most of the thing we want, but almost can't meet anything we expected...
People are always saying that people are normally separate into different group according to their style and habit. This is a truth... But sometimes we were more likely to join the other of your group, may be u not realised but this also a truth, i'll tell u after this...
First of all, in a new and strange environment, the self-defence immunne system( defined myself ) will activated to meet other as well, from the conversation, from the activities, from the behaviour, we normally are doing a job which people call it finding your group....
After a period, we finally adapted to his/her smell, his/her body odour, his/her talking patern and we automatically defined other people as your own... This is what we do normally as everyone know...
And after that, u will say i normally join with who, and the someone else are not in group with me and are not on the same trend....
Thanks to this kind of grouping, we lose and miss a lot of things in our life. The start of word to saying that i'm not group of someone, and later or never u will not find the person again.
Why people say being person should be humble?
I could understand, a person who alway think high of himself, he/she will be the clown which everyone laugh. Being arrogant mean you're not mature, it also state that u are some sort like scum of a community...
It sound bad and over right? I don't think so, let me tell u, u will have sympathetic response to it...
First, when someone show haughty manner to u, u must think that person so bad and ur heart said i never ever with ths guy again. this kind of negative response will automatically stored in your mind no matter how far u go and leave. After that, the accumulative account started to take over, when there is an action the arrogant do, u will feel tension and try to stored memory, finally anything that the person do will consider a very bad thing to u.
Lets back to the person will show u the haughty manner, he/she did not know anything about u, he/she still doing his job and continue his normal life, nothing affected him unless u go and have a ugly spat on him/her...
Ones affeted so, while another slumble so...
What for? Its unneccessary right? Man experice or feeling is the most important to take care, if u hurt someone, its really hard to recover it, ths is also why we want to take care of other too when doing something...
Since everyone cannot be perfect in doing theirs, and since we don't want to get hurt from other, and also since we don't want to miss more, we have to learn humble, don't try to form your strong stubborn group, even though u dislike it so much, the best way is by pretend it, be hypocrite...HA HA HA isn't it????

Try to and love to find different group, u will be more happier...

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