Saturday, October 25, 2008

My point Of View

In my point of view, i think the basicity of a mankind should be well manner....
Recently i found this title both appeared in my MUET subject of school and tuition....
Should well manner and personality opposed?
One of the personality i recently found is a bad personality which don't like so much...
An interaction is necessary in a community, but personality just make the interaction disappear.
That kind of personality really drive me crazy as well.
I would like to be a perfect chaser, if can't reach for 100%, i want also for 90%.
The case is
"That bad personality i found is when he/she have no good impression with someone, he/she rather isolated with that one. (He/she is hard to type, i change to 'it'.. ha ha)
It can do anything that as long as do not have the relation with u. Be clear, it not recognise u as well, it just look u for the first impression only..."
Wow, what can i conclude?! this really a bad attitude and behaviour that never been appear in my life. I never see an animal that so arrogant and think high of itself..
This is a death penalty for me to that kind of personality... Why?
We have no prerogative to pick other and so do other to us.
Even though u have a bad impression for first, u should also behave like normal as may be u can find that not as what u think, isn't it?
Where is your permit to do so?
This is a simple Moral value so exist within in ourself!
First of all, i don't think this is the way to show your personality!!!! But people always like to do this..
It can be say that this person this out of the normal mankind's behaviour, may be this is the special personality, but i think this personality is out of the range of human, it should be an animal.
In Malaysia, for generation nowadays, we all educated person, the single or basic moral value that we need to adopt is to be humble.
The basicity of the moral value human should belong to also it can't achieve, what can be say anymore? Unfortunately, the bad personality of this living thing appearance in the look of human being.
It already give rise a question.
How can we catagorise it? Ha Ha Ha Emm...... Let's thinking........(5 second)
A.... the smart human have created a word called barbarian for it, right? ( i know you are completely agree with ne right?) Ha Ha Ha Ha
Beside that, some of the people like to act as a macho man also which i most dislike.
For instance, they like to adding some vulgarity word in conversation, just like the people who smoking... Why this kind of unperfect would exist in this medium? Why??!!?
As one grown up, we all experience maturity, but some of the people are left behind, when they are talking, it only will make me feel disgusting and the hair of my body will just straighten..
Is 'it' mental retardation? Is 'it' moral deficiency? I also feel pity for this unperfect thing.
If u will afraid, that mean u are empty, if u really contain, that mean u are not afraid at all.
Don't act so, if u insist to be like this, u would be the crown who make us laugh at your childish.
Alright, is someone agree with my opinion? Welcome to post on your valuable comment.. Thanks..
Ha Ha Ha.. Have a nice day....